Movie Day

Do you remember the elation of walking into a classroom as seeing a movie projector set up? Today is my Monday. Please enjoy the following clip at your leisure:


Nick Zentner is a geology professor at Central Washington University in Ellensburg Washington. He's the kind of engaging, charismatic & passionate teacher one hopes to encounter in their educational journey. Indeed I hope to be a student of his (for credit) at some point in the future. He focuses on the geology of the Pacific Northwest, in particular, the State of Washington, where I happen to be from originally. My father is from Yakima and I've spent a good deal of my life in the folds and scablands that surround the Tri-Cities. Everyone of his candid yet cleverly crafted videos look like everywhere I am from, all at once. Every drive, camp, hike or long walk with my father or grandfather before the age of sixteen is represented in his lessons. He's a great teacher. Pay attention.

Interested persons can read more about Nick Zenter here and here. All (as far as I can tell) of his videos can be found here.


*Video used with permission - thanx prof. Zentner!


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