Back in the Black: Fat Man Caving’s Return to the Depths!

Guess who’s back? That’s right, it’s me, your favorite fat caver with a penchant for the dangerous, the whimsical, and the downright hilarious ways to end a day spending a copay at an urgent care! While you’ve been patiently waiting (or perhaps not-so-patiently, let’s be real), I’ve been busy cooking up some exciting updates for the blog.

Firstly, I’m thrilled to announce that I’m working on updating the site. Starting in June, expect a fresh look, new posts, and—drum roll, please—video blogs! Yes, thanks to a few new interpretations of USDA filming rules where public lands are concerned, I can finally bring you along on my subterranean adventures with my compatriots, the Dead Canary Cavers in glorious high-definition.

Stay tuned for some hilarious (and occasionally insightful) musings on my latest caving escapades, health tips, along my fitness journey. And speaking of adventures, I’ve got my eye on Sawyer's Cave, or was it Boulder Cave? Both? Either way, who wouldn’t want to watch me try to keep me from injuring myself from the comfort of your smart phone? Shit show? Maybe. Lots of fun? Check!

So, grab your helmets and flashlights, and come back soon for a journey through caves, health, and hilarity.

See you in the down there!


The Fat Man Caving


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