I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

 Pro tip: when the perfect storm comes, rig yourself to ride the waves and wind away from it forever. 

If raising a half dozen children has offered me an object lesson that has stuck, it is the virtue of being flexible and expecting to exercise that flexibility at a moment's notice, no matter what pushes against you. Being ready to pivot your gate while en route to any goal can greatly minimize the time spent off-track. I've inadvertently run though a growth spurt over the last few weeks that has served to recenter several aspects of my life. Frankly, it was overdue, but never the less, it has snapped me back into entirely positive frame of mind and I look forward to the next chapter of my life with renewed zeal.

My new eating habits continue to pay off and I have not compromised in my goals in this area one iota. As a matter of fact, I stood in the kitchen today, frying a smoked sausage & cheese dish for my wife and I when a the pair of ill-fitting pants of the usual size I bought last month fell right off of me. It's been a bit of an ongoing issue of sorts, though. I already wear my pants a bit low (hey, I'm from the 90's - you do you, OK?) and a belts have always been wholly uncomfortable for me, so I have been catching myself hitching up and rolling the waste band absently. I'll be searching my drawers & closet this weekend for a few pairs of old breaches that I am sure I saved away for never. But that's how it works out sometimes; never happens, if you work at it. Please, no smirking, Mom. You win.

After two years sitting on the bench, twirling my toes in the dirt and feeling like would never get the deed done, I am finally resolute on going back to school and my wife and I prepping to modify our lives around a two year crunch to get a degree under that belt I don't wear. In the long game, I will be transitioning away from my current occupation and hopefully, joining my wife's business. No, she isn't a geologist or anything even remotely related to dirt or rocks at all. But that's OK, because in the end we will both have time for more of the things that we enjoy, like each other, our family, traveling... and caving. And while still I see a series of hills to workaround or over in the near future, the gushing anxiety that I have ran from for the last two decades is absent. But be assured, I augmenting, not abandoning my skills and interests and if, oh I dunno, maybe GIS systems, or a chemistry or an errant geology class or two ends up in here or there, I'll try to do my best to be humble about it insisting that I at least check it out. 


I apologize to the casual reader for being a bit behind in posting. A week from now, I will be smoking a brisket and playing host to the first non-caving event that our club has had since informally organizing some years ago. Added to the myriad of projects on my plate, I have been working writing a on a real club charter that I hope will allow us to frame a way to carry on the traditions that we are building and hold the knowledge that we've compiled. I am so excited for this shindig, that I wake up thinking about it!

Steve's helmet is the same size as mine, however mine looks small on my head because I have a fat neck. It's a bit smaller now. Taken at Falls Creek Cave, somewhere near Guler, Washington. Photo by Collin Hamilton.

More to come soon (no, i mean it this time, really)!

** The preceding words are a record of my personal journey and are not intended to replace or circumvent any recommend guidance provided by your health care provider. Before starting any life changing endeavor, such as a diet and/or exercise regimen, please start by having an honest conversation with your doctor. Links and references to products and services are unaffiliated - I don't make a dime from this blog. Don't be stupid - always be over prepared and never hike or cave alone. Oh and please don't ask for cave locations. Believe me, if I can find them, so can you. **



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